Advanced Tax Reduction (Tax Planning)

Certified Tax Coach on Staff

Jack Sells is a member of the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners.  

What is Advanced Tax Reduction?

Advanced Tax Reduction is Tax Planning but tax planning is an overly used term we see today.  Keep reading below to find out how reducing your taxes should be one of your top priorities.

If you are a business owner: Tax Planning is the key to understanding the marginal tax rate of your business over a period of years.

If you are retiring:  Tax planning is the key to understanding the tax dependent positions that you can take or avoid year after year, and allow for succession of assets as part of the overall plan. 

If you are an individual or married couple:  Tax planning is the thought process that links you toward goals for retirement, missed tax savings, investment decisions, and maximizing your refunds or minimizing your tax debts year after year.  There are three types of individuals in the tax filing process: 

1) The Tax Crusher:  These taxpayer’s avoid tax discussions at all costs.  Those that limit their presence in a tax office, or time spent on taxation topics - We can still help by tax tips, and availability to Arrow Exchange Tax Solutions year round only when a relevant topic comes up that needs our assistance.  

2) The Dollar Saver: This individual will use their refund as a way to save for large purchases, and boost their savings year after year.  

3) The Mitigator: These taxpayers want to reduce their taxes paid each year, and pay in as little during the year as they can, maybe unaware of the tax impact, but hope that the savings are there when it comes time to file, and want to know how its done. 

Why should I tax plan?

If you are a business:

Tax plans are dependent upon your elections that your entity types allow, and your entity type can be changed, and those laws surrounding your entity type can be impacted by the Cares Act, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Secure Act, Appropriations Act, or State and Local Employment and Labor laws.  This needs a professional who can review your books and guide a company in the direction that lowers liabilities, and lowers adverse tax exposure and risk.  

If you are retiring:

Did you know that the greatest tax blunders are made in the year that a person makes the decision to retire or in the year of their death?  These are vulnerable years and if an American has the choice, then planning should be part of this equation.  Decisions made 10, 5, 3 or even 1 year prior to retirement can make a huge difference to the longevity of your investments, or income level during retirement. 

If you are an individual:

Every year you are reliant on an online platform or a tax interview to claim your lowest taxable income, deductions, credits.  At Arrow Exchange what makes us different is our tax planning.  We have encompassed complex strategies and slice into very simple solutions for your savings.  If we don’t save you tax savings you are offered at a full refund based on our agreement with you.  

Tax planning begins with a tax discovery session which will be where we learn your business and your personal tax situation.  This session will last from 30 min to one hour.  

For all of our clients we offer 3 maintenance tax planning services to meet your tax planning needs.  These are customized to the niche needs of our clients and priced according to those needs.  We have Bronze, Silver, and Platinum plans that cover all year around needs of our clients for both business and individual needs.  These plans are tiered to offer individualized services that our customers need. 

Which Tax Strategy is right for you?

We offer three stages to fit your tax situation or goals whether long or short term. 


Genesis is for real estate investors and business owners (or future real estate investors and business owners) who own 1 or less properties and 1 or less businesses. You're just beginning (or thinking about beginning) your business or real estate investing. 

Your early goals are:

In this stage your Certified Tax Coach™ will help you:


Emerging is for business owners who have a fairly straightforward business and/or are just venturing into real estate investing. The Emerging Stage covers the widest range, depending on how long you’ve been going and how much your business and/or investments have grown.

In this stage, your Certified Tax Coach™ will help you:

Your Certified Tax Coach™ is also going to help you plan for the move to the Breakthrough Stage - a place where you create wealth from your assets rather than your earned income, and reduce your overall effective tax rate. 


Breakthrough is for business owners who have multiple businesses and/or real estate investors with more than 2 properties. You have multiple opportunities for tax planning through structuring how you hold your investments. This stage includes planning on more than one level by looking at each business/real estate investment for opportunities to shift income and lower your tax bracket.

In this stage, your Certified Tax Coach™ will help you: