How to Pay Less in Taxes

How to Pay Less in Taxes

Do you suspect you are overpaying in taxes? If so, you’re not alone. American taxpayers overpay to a total of about one billion dollars every year according to the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO). Confusing tax forms, hidden deductions, and a tax code that never stops changing make it easy to overpay unless you work with a Certified Tax Planner. We specialize in reducing tax liabilities and will recommend the right strategies to lower your tax burden so you can hold on to more of your income.

Our methods, are legal, ethical, and can save thousands. Here’s what we recommend:

Work with the IRS, not against them.

Fighting the government is a battle you can’t win. Instead, legally reduce your taxes by making the tax laws work for you. As your Tax Planner, we’ll guide you on how to take advantage of the right government provisions and loopholes so you can keep more of your income and increase your personal wealth.

Look at how you make your money.

Wages are highly taxable. In fact, your earned salary is the highest taxed income around. U.S. tax laws are designed to favor people who make money through business and investments, not wages. So, another trick is to reduce what the government sees as your income, and we’ll show you how do it.

Stay on top of the changing tax laws.

The U.S. tax code is a grand and ever-changing maze of regulations. To avoid overpaying on your taxes you need a tax professional that keeps up with current tax laws and guidelines. A Certified Tax Planner like W. Jack Sells, EA, CTC tracks these updates, understands how they impact you, and knows how to stay one step ahead of the government to make sure you never overpay.

Be proactive about reducing your taxes.

Saving real money on your taxes doesn’t start in April. You must act now to get a proactive Tax Strategy that will work for you all year long. The sooner you put a strategy into action, the more opportunities you'll have to save money on your taxes this year.

Want to learn more about how to get your Proactive Tax Strategy so you can pay less in taxes? Call us today at 423-400-8680 to request your Tax Discovery Session.